
dog hold Learn more about dog hold

  • Treatment techniques of scrofula disease

    Treatment techniques of scrofula disease

    (1) the method of protecting raccoon dogs with bare hands can hold a stick in one hand and shake it in front of the raccoon dogs to distract them, and the other hand can quickly grab the tail, lift it from the cage, clip the neck under the armpit, or fix it on the ground or on the operating table. If there are capture plates, capture clamps, capture nets and capture covers, they can be used to clamp the neck of raccoon dogs and hold the whole body, and diagnosis and treatment can be carried out with the assistance of an assistant. Drug protection method can also be used, that is, 2% starch solution is used to dilute chloral hydrate into 10% solution to give raccoon dog enema.

  • Common misunderstandings in raising dogs

    Common misunderstandings in raising dogs

    In recent years, companion animals have brought joy to more and more families. But do you know? Some of our dog-keeping habits take for granted, which not only cause harm to the dog, but also may bring some contradictions to the society. A strong sense of responsibility must be combined with scientific conservation in order for companion animals to thrive. Here are some misunderstandings and correct methods. 1. Take the dog out unchained, let it enjoy, it is free, I save trouble. The right way: suddenly a dog comes out, even if it likes to move

  • Method of administration to sick dogs

    Method of administration to sick dogs

    Most of the drugs used to treat dog diseases are administered orally. There are many ways to administer drugs to dogs, and the use should be selected according to the dosage form, dosage and condition of the drug. tablet, pill and ointment administration dog sit properly restrained, that administer crosses the bridge of the dog's nose with the palm of his left hand, opens the mouth with the thumb and index finger (or middle finger) respectively from the two corners of the mouth, or wraps the skin on both sides of the upper palate around the upper dentition to open the mouth, then places the tablet or pill on the root of the tongue, or applies the plaster on the root of the tongue with a bamboo stick, releases the left hand, and holds it with the right hand

  • How big can a dog grow?

    How big can a dog grow?

    Teacup dog is relatively small, adults can hold up a palm, because of its unique shape and by some pet lovers sought after, then how long can the teacup dog grow? I. How big can a teacup dog grow? The teacup dog is relatively small and can grow to 18-2 under normal development.

    2020-11-11 teacup dog energy length size dog compare pocket adult
  • How does Teddy just get home?

    How does Teddy just get home?

    Teddy refers to the poodle, which is a smart and elegant dog that many people want to keep. A rookie wants to keep one, so he buys a little teddy. So, how does Teddy just get home? 1. Dog appliances should be prepared for him some daily necessities, such as a kennel

    2020-11-11 Teddy just got home how raise I mean VIP dog.
  • Correct treatment of fracture in dogs

    Correct treatment of fracture in dogs

    The most common cause of fracture is a car accident, sometimes falling from a height and being squeezed can also cause a fracture. Similar to a fracture is a dislocation. The difference between the two is that the broken dog drags the amputated limb, while the dislocated dog dares not hit the ground and jumps on its three legs. Dogs feel a lot of pain whether they are broken or dislocated, and sometimes they lie on the ground shaking. At this time, we have to carry out the basic external fixation, hold the dog and go to the hospital as soon as possible.

  • How much is a curly dog compared to a male dog?

    How much is a curly dog compared to a male dog?

    How much is a curly dog compared to a male dog?

  • The method of dealing with accidents in dogs

    The method of dealing with accidents in dogs

    The most common cause of accidental fracture is a car accident, sometimes falling from a height and being squeezed can also cause a fracture. Similar to a fracture is a dislocation. The difference between the two is that the broken dog drags the amputated limb, while the dislocated dog dares not hit the ground and jumps on its three legs. Whether it is broken or dislocated, the dog will be in pain and sometimes will lie on the ground trembling. At this time, we have to carry out basic external fixation and hold the dog in our arms and go to the hospital for treatment. Accident, massive bleeding, whether it's caused by trauma.

  • How to train a dog to roll

    How to train a dog to roll

    If the dog has learned to "lie down" and "not move", it is easy to order him to roll, make him lie down, and then order him to "roll!" While giving the order, grab its chest and let it roll from here to there to express what you mean. Do the preliminary exercise a few more times and cancel rolling it with your hands as soon as possible. When it begs, it will pay attention to your fingers, eyes will believe the food in your hand, your hand holding the food is higher than its nose, the hand is arched, pass its body from the left to the ground and then

  • A brief discussion on the artificial midwifery technique of raccoon dog delivery

    A brief discussion on the artificial midwifery technique of raccoon dog delivery

    The pregnancy and delivery of raccoon dogs has a certain seasonality, which is generally delivered from March to May. The artificial midwifery technology can be used to solve the general dystocia in the process of delivery and ensure the normal delivery of pregnant mother raccoon raccoons. The phenomenon of false death of young raccoon dogs can be dealt with in time. The author introduces the delivery and midwifery technology of raccoon dogs for reference. 1 Prenatal preparation of mother raccoon dogs 5 days before the due date, choose dry, warm and wind-free, sufficient light, quiet environment, do a good job of cage disinfection, cleaning and hygiene for delivery;

  • Diagnosis and treatment of abdominal wall hernia complicated with uterine pus in dogs

    Diagnosis and treatment of abdominal wall hernia complicated with uterine pus in dogs

    Canine uterine pus accumulation (caninepyometra) refers to the accumulation of a large amount of pus in the uterine cavity of dogs, accompanied by abnormal endometrial hyperplasia and bacterial infection. According to whether the cervix is open or not, it can be divided into open type and closed type. The disease mostly occurs in adult bitches without mating, pregnancy and ligation (ovariectomy), and mostly occurs in middle-aged bitches over 6 years old. The disease occurs within 3 to 8 weeks after estrus, and may be accompanied by a long history of estrus disorder or endometritis. The cause of uterine empyema comes from endocrine disorder, estrus, mating and failure during delivery.

  • Dog Endometritis

    Dog Endometritis

    Due to infection, miscarriage, or fetal retention. Clinically, we can see filth and smelly secretions flowing out of vulva. Antibacterial and antiphlogistic treatment is the main treatment. [Prescription 1] 0.02% picillin solution 100 - 300ml Usage: Rinse uterus once. Once a day for 2 - 4 days. [Prescription 2] Pituitrin Injection 2 - 15 g Head Hold 0.52.0 g Water for Injection 5 - 10 ml Usage: One intramuscular injection respectively

  • How to train a dog to lift his feet

    How to train a dog to lift his feet

    When teaching this exercise, still tie it with a short chain, point to a chair, small table, or small box and say, "put your hands up." He may jump up, and if so, hold him on a leash, help him put his front feet up, and order him: "Don't move." If he puts his front foot on the box and tries to sit down, teach him the correct posture. When it is well done, praise it for being "good" and feed it a mouthful of delicious food as a reward. Now add a word "box" to the command and order it to put its feet on the box, and you can give it later.

  • Knowledge about breeding of Tibetan mastiff

    Knowledge about breeding of Tibetan mastiff

    1. There is a big difference between the male mastiff and the female mastiff, the auxiliary staff squats on the left rear side of the female mastiff, the left hand grabs the female mastiff's tail and the knee of the left hind limb, the right hand holds the female mastiff's vulva, and appropriately adjusts the female mastiff's vulva up and down according to the angle of penis insertion, so that the male mastiff's penis and the female mastiff's vagina

    2020-11-08 About breeding Tibetan mastiff knowledge male and female mastiff body
  • How to train a bear puppy is better than how often a bear takes a bath.

    How to train a bear puppy is better than how often a bear takes a bath.

    Than the white hair of the bear dog, the round head, the furry is very lovely! Especially when girls simply see it, they can't move. Friends who have ever had a Beagle know that it is difficult to keep a Bear and is fastidious about food. Must be the little friend who keeps the dog.

    2020-11-08 Better than bear puppy how training how long wash once bath is better than bear
  • How do dogs survive winter?

    How do dogs survive winter?

    Puppies generally prepare warm kennels for winter, adequate drinking water, dog food. When the weather is cold and the temperature is low, it is best to dress the dog before going out. In the process of raising dogs, in addition to winter measures, there are the following points to pay attention to. A note on dogs.

    2020-11-11 puppy how wintering general ready warm
  • We children all pass Children's Day after 520.

    We children all pass Children's Day after 520.

    International Children's Day will be here soon. For this festival, which is celebrated all over the world and children of all ages should be happy, the fruit shell store specially put on more than 100 new scientific toys. Are you surprised? Are you surprised? More than 100 new toys! From 3 to 122 years old.

  • How to raise zebra dog head

    How to raise zebra dog head

    The zebra dog head is a large river fish, which is called the zebra dog head because of its yellow stripes and zebra-like stripes. So how to raise a zebra dog head? First, the environment in the fish tank do not raise too many zebra pike, because the zebra kennel aggression is

    2020-11-11 Zebra dog head how raise zebra yes a large
  • How to train a dog to lie down

    How to train a dog to lie down

    Lying down training is to develop the ability of dogs to lie down quickly according to the command of their owners. Password: "lie down"; gesture: lie on the front, raise the right hand up, then stretch forward, palm down; lie on the side, pointing down with the right hand in front of the dog. First of all, make the dog sit on the left, the owner takes a step forward with the right leg, bends the body forward and downward, and then seduces the dog with the food held in the right hand. When the dog's performance is obtained, take the opportunity to move the food slowly forward and down from the bottom of the dog's mouth, and issue the "lying" command. When the dog lies down, and

  • The way to find dog disease

    The way to find dog disease

    When dogs suffer from different diseases, there will be corresponding abnormal manifestations (symptoms) in one or some aspects. The sick dogs can be found by using the following methods of examination. It is necessary for dog owners to master some of the most commonly used basic knowledge in this area, so that sick dogs can be found in time and some simple treatments can be carried out. Never think that the diagnosis and treatment of dog disease is only a veterinarian's business. (1) there are two aspects to look at: one is to look at the dog's mental state, behavior and behavior under quiet conditions.
